Open Visits
Regular Visits
Saturday: 16h
Sunday: 16h
Saturday: Carlos Martins; Sunday: Gonçalo Canto Moniz
Maximum 20 people per visit
Reservation required
No wheelchair access
Photography allowed
The origin of the Casa da Câmara [Chamber House] goes back to the 15th Century, and it was raised resting against the primitive city wall. Considered as the first headquarters of the autarchic or municipality power, the popular name of Casa dos 24 [House of the 24ers] is due to the fact that it was there that the 24 representatives of the different trades of the city of Porto gathered. It suffered a violent fire in 1875 that destroyed it completely. In 2000, the whole building was redone according to the contemporary reinterpretation of architect Fernando Távora. Operating today as a Tourist Office, we can highlight the relationship established with the Sé Catedral (with a galilee by Nicolau Nasoni) but also with the expressive topography of the city.
Terreiro da Sé
Directions: Google Maps / Apple Maps
Public Transport
Bus: STCP - 207, 303, 400, 500, 900, 901, 904, 905, 906, ZM
Subway: Line D, S. Bento