Open Visits
Regular Visits
Saturday: 15h, 15h30, 16h, 16h30
Sunday: 15h, 15h30, 16h, 16h30
Maximum 10 people per visit
No reservation required; first-come, first-served
No wheelchair access
Photography not allowed
The structure of the Bouça collective housing designed by Álvaro Siza Vieira, without being initially connected with the revolutionary process SAAL (Local Ambulatory Support Service) ended up being, in a formal and symbolic point of view, what better represents the feeling of being “right for the city”. Located in a central area of Porto, the articulation between patios, galleries and staircases, shows the sharing that goes on in this community without ever giving up a domestic scale. The apartments with a duplex typology were crafted to detail this way surpassing size constraints. Restored and completed in 2006, the neighbourhood of Bouça is today an example of the process of “gentrification” of the city but also an example of resilience of the author-architect.
Rua das Águas Férreas
14Directions: Google Maps / Apple Maps
Public Transport
Bus: STCP - 202, 300, 301, 302, 502, 402, 600, 602
Subway: Lines A, B, C, E, F, Lapa